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Exploring the left side of our brain!

This is our very first day that we are together as a group. A few of us have met before, that could be trough walking in the Cibap hallways, or because some of us had been in the same class before or because we had to tell our motivations for this project in de same classroom. But we had never been together as a group. Now is the moment we all are going to meet, we agreed to meet in Nieuwleusen in the 'Klinker'. The 'Klinker' is located in the middle of nowhere. The meeting was in shape of a workshop. We only knew each other by name or face, so our main queastion was: What are we going to do today! To everyone's suprise we had to do a few assignments without knowing why. So here we go:

All the assignments were simple and showed us who we really are. It also showed us how creative you can be if you just let everyting go. First we had to do a assignment to discover how the left side of the brain works. And after that we had to do another assignment to discover how the right side of the brain works, this al to show us that the right side of the brain works so many times faster. And in the right side of the brain happens all the creative stuff. After that we had to stand for a blank sheet of paper with two chalks in our hands each chalk had a different collor. The assignment was explained very simple. You are a conductor of an orchestra, presently you are going to hear music. On this music you are going to draw with your eyes closed. With your left hand you are going to draw the sound of the violin and with your right hand you are going to draw the sound of the rest of the orchestra. And so we did.

After seven minutes we had to write down a question that came out of our harts. After that we put the question in our pockets and forget about it. After this assignment we all were completly relaxed and we started a new assignment. Our sheet of paper was now full of colorful scratches. We had to sit at least three meters from the sheet and stare at it. You had to write down what you saw in the chaos of lines. When we all wrote something down, we had to decide what we found the most interesting thing. And paint all around it white. After the white paint, we were allowed to pick all kind of collors and continue with painting. We were not allowed to use a brush, so we all painted with our fingers. We also could use pieces of cardboard, small sponges and feathers. After painting for hours everybody was satisfied. Then it was time to rest, and everybody searched for a quite place to be alone for a moment. We all really enjoyed to be quite and alone for a moment. To find some kind of inner peace. After that we all wrote a litte poem. In the end we all had a painting, youre question and a poem. It all said someting about who we are.

This was when we encountered how the left side of the brain works!



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